Monday, May 25, 2020

Create Cross Platform Desktop Application Using Electronjs


Hey there thank you very much for coming to my gig!

As the title explains I will develop a cross-platform desktop application that can run in Windows, Linux, mac os. Electron is an awesome Javascript framework that I am using almost every project it's a lightweight application that can run fast in any environment and when we are talking about user-friendliness it's over the counter since it's mix with several web technologies.

Now about the gig
  in the gig I have mentioned I will develop 10 functionalities and 20 functionalities now let me explain it in here 1 functionality means let's say your building student management system in this system registering new student is 1 functionality and if your want to add student search functionality it would be a another functionality

And for my final gig, there is no limit you just need give me detailed information about your system and I will develop it from the scratch

Most of the time I will use MYSQL as a database but it can change according to your requirement


: : : : :

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