Monday, May 25, 2020

Create A Csharp Desktop Application For You


You can customize your desktop application as you need an it can include database connections, WEB APIs, Firebase Intergration, MetroFramework, Algorithms, Excel & Word file Generating and much more


Seller's Response:

Windows CE 7 automated key press project. Great communication skills and very committed to deliver the best outcome. Very good seller and high quality work produced. I would highly recommend.

Seller's Response:

Thank you 😊 You were also very helpful for me with all the testings...

Seller's Response:

Sachira was very quick without sacrificing quality and had great communication. Not only did he deliver what I expected, but also voluntarily produced a video showing me how to use the app. I would recommend him.

Seller's Response:

Thank you. You were very helpful with the requirements gathering.

Seller's Response:

One of the few good and professional coders. - Understands the requirements well; - minimal clarifications; - professional guides; and, - overall great individual to deal with. coming in for more!

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