Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fix Your Java Problem Or Bug


Please contact me beforehand so I can determine which kind of help you need and make you a custom offer.

As I can't know every library, API and framework I will also have to see if I can read up enough on them to fix associated bugs.

I know from my own experience how hard it can be to find a bug by yourself after thinking about it for days. It often helps to let someone else look over it.

With a custom quote I can assure I am able to provide the service you need and make you not overpay.

I mostly specialize if the following:

  • general algorithmic work
  • working with the java built in libraries
  • console Applications
  • basic GUI work with java swing
  • have worked with many video and image processing libraries

I am familiar with all new java coding techniques
(lambda, streams, switch expressions)



Yes, got a complex bot, need to have functions activated, didn't know exactly how to summarise it, he understands everything quickly. Im going with him again because he is a very trustable dev. Always fast, don't have to stress about the quality or the speed of the delivery.


Only guy I will work with!


excellent and fast


He has done a very good job. All of my tasks were well solved and he has also helped me out with any of my questions! I can only recommend him!


As usual, professional and excellent service .

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